With all that’s going on in our country (and the world), it’s safe to say that this is a strange time for everyone. Many people are working from home and practicing social distancing. It can be easy to get caught up in the uncertainty of this situation and what’s to come, but that’s not what this post is about. Instead, I am writing this post to share some of the things I’m doing on a daily basis that help me maintain a positive mindset.
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1. Create a morning routine: I strongly believe in the importance of a morning routine! I am still having to work from home, so it’s helpful for me to maintain my same morning routine. I enjoy waking up in time to enjoy my coffee and breakfast before the work day begins. In fact, it’s probably the time I enjoy most each day. It’s also the best time to get puppy cuddles! ♡ This coffee cup combines 2 of my favorite things. And it’s only $18 with code SUNNY. Find your breed HERE or see what else I love from Inkopious HERE.
2. Read the Bible: I have been finding time each day to read through the Bible. Personally, it brings a sense of calmness and peace over me, and helps clear my mind. I have been reading through the book of John, which is what we have been going through at the church we go to. I enjoy re-reading what we went over in the sermon, because like I always tell my students – you need to read it twice to make sure you didn’t miss anything! Despite churches being closed for the time being, we are lucky to be able to watch our church’s sermons online. I know a lot of churches are also doing this, but if you’re interested you can view the sermons from Redeemer Church HERE.

3. Read a book: In addition to reading the Bible, this time of social distancing has given me the opportunity to start reading this book that my husband got me for Christmas. I LOVE to read, but have been so busy that I just haven’t found the time. The book is set in the city that my husband was born and raised in. If you’d like to gain perspective on the situation in Venezuela, this book is really good so far! Linking it HERE if you’re looking for something new to read.
4. Take a walk: We have committed to taking Sunny on at least 2 walks per day – 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. These walks have easily started to become one of my favorite times of the day! It’s nice for both of us to step away from work and get some fresh air. It’s an added bonus that the weather has been so nice here lately. Hoping it stays this way through the quarantine!

5. Organize: This is also the perfect time to get some spring cleaning done! I love organization so this is honestly a little fun for me. But even if you don’t enjoy it, try to set a goal of organizing 1 thing per day (closet, bathroom drawer, kitchen cabinets). You will feel so accomplished! And if you’re going to be in the house for an extended period of time, at least make it clean! I bought these organizers for my bathroom drawers and they are amazing! Linking the small ones HERE (pictured above) and the larger ones HERE. Side note – this isn’t even half of my TULA products. This is just where I keep the extras/travel sizes. If you haven’t tried TULA before, you need to! Click HERE to receive 20% off your first order.
6. Try a new at home workout: Although the gyms are currently closed, my husband and I are still prioritizing getting our workouts in at home. We have currently been using the Beachbody Insanity workouts. There are also a lot of workouts you can do at home for free. If you’re a black card member at Planet Fitness, you can enjoy free workouts on their app or on Facebook live. Another one of my favorite workout apps, Fit Body by Anna Victoria, is offering 1 month free with code DAJEITALIA.

7. Cook a new meal: If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably already seen me rave about Home Chef. But seriously – it’s amazing! I have always enjoyed cooking, but would often hit road blocks when trying to do so. With Home Chef, we are able to pick our meals for the week and the pre-packaged ingredients get shipped right to us with step by step directions. During this time of social distancing, I’m even more thankful for Home Chef and not having to go to the grocery store. It has also taught me how to cook things I would have never tried before (like the recipe above). If you’re interested in trying it out – click HERE to save $40 off your first box (and it will also help me save on my next order too).
8. Rest: I hope this last one doesn’t sound too cliché, but for us it’s been so true. Since Christmas, my husband and I have both been so busy with work. Even though we’re both still working from home, it has given us time to slow down a little bit and rest. The mornings aren’t so rushed, and we are able to eat lunch together every day. Without being able to do anything on the weekends, we have had the time to simply rest and it’s been amazing.
Although this is a scary time for everyone, try to find the bright side as often as possible. Enjoy the little things and strive for a positive mindset. Also, thank you to everyone who is still out there working to help keep us and others safe!